Service Projects

Montgomery County Heart Ball

The TWHS Boys Soccer Team volunteered at the Montgomery County Heart Ball on February 16, 2019. This year’s theme was “Get Your Heart into the Game,” and one of the guest speakers was Bryce Deegear, a soccer player from Aledo, TX. Since his own high school soccer team was too far to attend, TWHS Boys Soccer Team stepped up to support him during his speech in front of a big crowd. The Boys Soccer Team also worked the room during the auction to also help the auctioneer identify new bids.

Montgomery County Food Bank

On Monday, February 18, 2019, all three Boys Soccer teams volunteered at the Montgomery County Food Bank to help the larger community. The team did work in 3 different areas:
• Dry Sort Room: 6,000 pounds of food were sorted in the 3-hour shift. That’s the equivalent of 5,000 meals for those in need in Montgomery County.
• Produce Rescue: 96 boxes of fresh produce for clients visiting the partner pantries means that 96 families will get fresh produce who would not have had any, thanks to the team’s effort. 
• Special Projects: This team offloaded a semi-trailer of fruit boxes and got them all cleaned and restacked, ready for use in the Produce Rescue Center. They finished is less than 45 minutes what usually takes over 2 hours. The boxes are used to pack 30-pound boxes of mixed produce that go to pantry partners. The boxes are donated as scrap and have to be stripped and stacked before they are usable by the Food Bank. Each box is worth $4 to $5 each to MCFB, if it had to pay for them. They essentially salvaged about $6,000 worth of boxes for Montgomery County Food Bank. Way to go, boys! 

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